Weekly Photo Challenge: Old Fashioned

These are the photos I took in response to this week’s photo challenge by The Daily Post. I’m not a photographer, but I like taking photos, especially for this type of challenge. I find it leads me to see the world differently. And seeing the world differently is something I always find enriching.

6 Replies to “Weekly Photo Challenge: Old Fashioned”

  1. Hi! Love the photos. I can’t make out what the top one is.
    I remember well the items in the second photo. Had to use them everyday. Would love to have a place in the open fresh air to hang clothes up to dry like we did years before. As a child I’d run underneath the clothes, putting my hands on them. My mom would yell at me to stop. Shucks, I wasn’t thinking about my dirty hands, I was having too much fun. 🙂
    Thank you so much for the mention.


    1. Thanks for the compliment and for sharing your clothes-drying memory! I should have put a caption on the top photo. It’s a carding machine. This one’s for making batting, from the wool in the belly and legs of the sheep that doesn’t spin well into yarn. This is an old carding machine run by water power in the carding mill at Old Sturbridge Village in Massachusetts.


Your turn! What's on your mind?