NaNoWriMo Day 11 Update

Main health effects of sleep deprivation (See ...
They seem to have forgotten "Increased dairy-free ice cream consumption." (Image via Wikipedia)

Word Count: 18,992

I skipped writing last night because I went out with a group of other moms for dinner and a dueling piano show. I worked ahead so my daily average word count wouldn’t take a hit, but I hadn’t banked on how exhausted being out until nearly midnight would leave me. I didn’t get to bed until 1am. The kids slept until almost 8, but the baby has a cold and, I think, is teething, so he spent much of the night nursing. While I’m more skilled at sleeping while nursing than I was with my first, it still doesn’t give me the quality of sleep that sleeping while not nursing does.

I almost scrapped the idea of writing tonight in favor of going to bed at 8:00. Instead, I had another dairy-free ice cream bar and soldiered on. I’m glad I did. I feel better—calmer, more satisfied, less hungry—and I’m happy that I won’t be playing catchup tomorrow.

Apparently NaNoWriMo Week Two is notoriously difficult from a psychological standpoint, and I want to make sure I show up at the computer to write every day so that pesky inner critic doesn’t get a foothold.

So far, so good. (I hope that didn’t taunt her too much.)

Your turn! What's on your mind?